Thursday, 19 April 2018

Brave Browser

Hello Everybody !

This week I was tasked in my Open source class to make a fix on the Brave Browser. We were able to pair up in partners to complete this task, in which I had partner up with my classmate Pranoy.

The bug we had to fix was that in other browsers accessing a file with a space automatically converts the space into URL encoded as shown below:

In Chrome Browser

However in the Brave Browser the result happens:
In Brave Browser

The way we fixed this bug was to add a trim onto the URL variable to remove any white spaces and convert it to the URL encoded white space. 
let str = input.trim().replace(' ', '%20')

the result of this addition in the code was this:
in Brave Browser

We had also added in some test cases:

+    'it('seaches for dog cat instead of the link itself', function(){ + assert.equal(urlUtil.isNotURL(' cat'), false) + }) + it('seaches for dog cat instead of the link itself', function(){ + assert.equal(urlUtil.isNotURL(' cat '), false) + }) + it('seaches for dog cat instead of the string itself', function(){ + assert.equal(urlUtil.isNotURL('/home/pranoy/Desktop/dog cat.txt'), false) + }) + it('seaches for dog cat instead of the string itself', function(){ + assert.equal(urlUtil.isNotURL(' /home/pranoy/Desktop/dog cat.txt'), false) + })

Thank you for Reading,


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