Monday, 23 April 2018

Open Source Assignment 2 Introduction

Hello Everyone!

This week am going to talk about my experience with my second assignment in my open source class. I was assigned to contribute to the open source community. Here are my experiences leading to finding my contribution.

At first I had trouble looking for a issue that I could tackle. This attempt continued with the process of forking the project attempting to recreate the problem, only to find out that I can't reproduce it.
I had two specific projects that took me the most time and resulted in no avail.

The first issue was a problem in this brave issue, the problem I had with this issue was that it did not specify how many bookmark pages it required only that it needed a lot. I had spent a day bookmarking pages but didn't get to the point where the issue occurs. After that I jumped to searching again.

The next issue I tried to tackle was this issue. With this issue I had problems with properly running the brave software due to environment issues on my part. I had problems running the npm install and figured out late(two weeks- three weeks) that I had to do a npm update rather than install. When working on the issue for a few weeks I realised that the issue wasn't really a issue. This is because the about:error page goes with the about:certerror and about:safebrowsing. These pages pop-up due to a event in the browser. It also explains why the url is chrome:extension...., as not just about:error has the url but all three of them do. After realising this I looked at the person who made the issue, I figured out that this person created this as his first issue on github and that it was not from a contributor of brave. So I went off and looked for another issue.

I was suggested to create documentation by my friend so then found the contribution I would be doing. The project that I contributed on is Norkart Leaflet-MiniMap. What this project does is add a minimap onto the leaflet map. What I intend to work on is creating documentation on a fix for issues that occur with the css linking with the minimap when using node modules.

Thank you for reading.

Kevin Pham

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